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Enviro – Breweries for a Better World

Photo Credit: 1859 Magazine

1859 Magazine May/ June 2019

written by Jeremy Storton

I sat typing away at my keyboard one wintry day at a local brewery. A beautiful, brilliantly clear pale ale with a rich head kept me company and served as my muse. My calendar said January, but the sunny, 60-degree temperature outside suggested late spring. “If this is climate change,” I thought, “I could get used to this.”

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Beerlandia: Best Oregon Pubs To Enjoy A Pint

On a mission to find the best Oregon pubs and breweries to enjoy a beer

“These days, winsome Oregon pubs and breweries set a very high standard.”

The challenge, now, is determining where to end the most memorable experiences. No doubt we’ve all had many good times with a great beer in our hand, and we have both our regular hangouts and our special reserve list of must-visit places we share with our friends. But if we were to play our highlight reel, which of these experiences bubble to the surface?

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written by Jeremy Storton

1859 Magazine May/ June 2018